You may not be cleaning these things, but but here are 15 things to clean more often as well as more house cleaning tips and ideas for how to keep your house clean
C’mon, admit it. Cleaning is no fun. It’s a chore that never seems to end. But while you’re cleaning the obvious things in your house like the toilets and kitchen floor, but as I’m cleaning certain things I start to think, “Man, I always forget to do this.” Hello, garbage disposals, ceiling fans and window sills.
I thought I would round up the 15 things you might forget to do or clean, which honestly could be very important with the state of affairs currently.

15 Things You Should Clean More Often + Deep Cleaning House Tips

1. Bed Pillows
I’m sure you wash your sheets on a regular basis (well, at least I hope you do…). But oftentimes people forget to wash their bed pillows as well. You can just wash your bed pillows in the washing machine just like you do your
2. Washer and Dryer
Yes, you would think since you’re washing your clothes and constantly using detergent and warm soapy water that your washer and dryer would be relatively clean.

If you want to keep your washer and dryer in the best shape possible, clean it once every 3 months.
Run 1 cup of white vinegar run through the warm cycle to break up mineral deposits and keep the pipes clean. The vinegar will also serve to neutralize any lingering odors (including that moldy smell). Make sure you check the dryer exhaust and the hose for lint or any dryer sheets, too.
If you want to get super fancy with it, you can spray some all purpose cleaner on the surfaces of your washer and dryer and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth.
3. Dishwasher
Remove all debris in the bottom of your dishwasher with a paper towel or rag. Next set a dishwasher-safe cup of white vinegar on the top rack. Run a full cycle with hot water and let steam dry. You can wipe any remaining gunk out when the cycle is complete.
This would also be where I would add in the reminder to also clean out your garbage disposal too.
4. Your Kitchen Sink
Again, if you hand wash dishes, you might think that because you use dish soap that the sink would just be clean, but again, false.
Even if part of the sink is clean that way, it’s near impossible to make sure the sides and top of your sink are clean.

Chemical cleaning products are an option, but can damage the pipes and sink in the long run. For a more eco-friendly cleaning process, pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain. Wash it down with half a cup of vinegar and a spritz of lemon. Let this set for a few minutes while it fizzles. Then rinse with soap and water.

5. Bed Sheets
Oh my, I really hope you do this on a regular basis. To make things easier, have at least one extra set of bed sheets so you’re not scrambling right before bedtime to make the beds.
6. Bathroom Mats
These are another thing that get used on a daily occasion but probably don’t get washed as much as they should. Think about all the mildew and germs they gather everyday, yuck. Wash on the hottest temperature you can (throw in some towels for scrubbing help), then tumble dry low. If needed, use a little cleaning brush to fluff it back into shape. Also, this is another one I recommend having backups for.

7. Makeup Brushes
Considering makeup brushes usually sit in the bottom of a makeup bag with tons of residue, it’s no wonder people get breakouts. You’re basically wiping access oil, dirt and bacteria back into your skin. To clean, just gently wash with warm water and baby shampoo then rise. So simple people. And it will breathe new life into your brushes.
8. Carpets
Urgh, this one makes me wanna barf. Just think for a minute of all the things that could be in your carpets right now… dirt from your shoes, dander, bacteria, dog hair… not to mention what your little kids bring in from their little adventures.
First thing is to VACUUM. Vacuum that carpet like crazy in every possible direction. Get all of the dust and allergens out! Then you need to do a deep steaming using the hottest water possible. I almost always suggest calling in a professional cleaning service at least twice a year though. You can find coupons in your mail and online. Trust me, it’s worth it. Think of the stuff trapped in your carpets that you’re breathing in daily.

9. Your Purse
Clean out your purse at least once a month. Or to make it easy, every time you switch your purse to go with an outfit or season, empty out the pockets and start with a clean slate.
To clean, pull the interior fabric out and use a lint roller to grab all of the crumbs and dirt. You can also clean the exterior with a damp microfiber cloth for most surfaces or use a baby wipe if it’s leather.
10. Your Desk at Work
I’ve heard before that an office desk has more germs than a public restroom. Dear goodness, I hope that’s not true since a lot of people eat at their desk everyday. Make sure on Fridays that you wipe it down with cleaners (all purpose cleaner or even a glass cleaner like Windex would do). I would at the very least clean up after you eat.

While you’re at it, clean off your mouse and computer keyboard (first with the can of compressed air, then wipe with a damp cloth with mild soapy water).

11. Comforter
While I’m sure that most people don’t wash their comforter as much as they should, there’s really no one perfect way to do this. You will need to read the instructions on your comforter tag or just take it into your dry cleaners once a year for a deep clean.
12. Couches
Vacuum off your couch cushions with your brush attachment once a week, including under the cushions. If you’re going to use any cleansers, make sure you check an inconspicuous spot first to make sure it won’t harm your upholstery.

13. Door Knobs
Every cough, cold, and flu season I think a little more often about cleaning our doorknobs, don’t you? Best and easiest way to clean is with disinfectant wipes.
14. Phones
You probably use this more than any other accessory but hardly ever clean it. Disinfectant wipes are great for a quick clean. Another idea is to get cotton swabs with rubbing alcohol and clean in between the numbers, your phone case, etc.
15. Remote Control
Yeah, this is another one that gets used daily and often forgotten about when cleaning day comes around. To disinfect, use cotton swabs with rubbing alcohol to get in the nooks and crannies, or just use a disinfectant wipe. And make sure you definitely clean the remote when you have a sick kiddo at home laying on the couch watching TV!
Just as a couple honorable mentions:
Light fixtures – These are often out of sight, out of mind because they’re, you know, on the ceiling. But a quick dusting of these once a month would be beneficial to you. I’ll spare you here, but the term “dust bunnies” sounds cute until you actually know what a dust bunny is.
Shower curtains – If you have hard water, the bottom of your shower curtain can turn orange real quick. While that stain may be permanent, if you aim to wash the shower curtain frequently (if you have a fabric one) and flip the liner over the shower curtain to allow it to fully dry, this may prolong the discoloration.
What’s the one thing you always forget to clean? Tell me in the comments!

Chelsea @ two twenty one says
Nice list! I clean my cell phone religiously. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that your cell phone probably has more bacteria on it than your toilet seat. SICK. NASTY.
Dawn says
Sometimes when I sanitize my hands, I’ll lightly rub over my otterbox and/or cell phone…not a lot of residue and makes me feel way better;)
Amy says
I spray a little glass cleaner on a rag and wipe it off. Comes out looking like new and no residue.
Ernesto Bayona says
How do you recommend to clean the iphone?
Casy says
Oh, the shower curtains! I think those always go overlooked and desperately need a good clean!
Susan Olsen (@3rdGradeRays) says
My mom made us clean our plastic liners two or three times a year. We laid them flat in the driveway and squirted a little Dawn dishwashing liquid on it and a smidge of bleach. Then we took an old broom and scrubbed them with the side of the broom – To this day I don’t know why we didn’t just put them in the washing machine LOL
Emily says
Or just use liners from the dollar store and replace them every few months.
Andrea says
Use fabric shower curtain liners and toss it in the washer on gentle with bleach every month.
Jessica says
I toss ours every 4 months (our recycle into a messy craft mat). We’re on a well and the iron stains won’t come out of the fabric ones, so I have a cheap plastic one behind a nicer fabric one.
Emily @ My Love for Words says
This is a great list. I could definitely clean all of these more often. We have carpet, but the whole idea is rather gross when you think about it. (I’m going to try not to.) 😉
Abigail says
Great list!! I spray Lysol on door handles and light switches, especially during flu season.
tabitha says
Just becareful with lysol spray on door handles… i have oil rubbed bronze colored handles and it discolored them 🙁
Amy says
Also Lysol only kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. The one it won’t kill…. Norovirus. That nasty stomach bug that loves to come around every winter. Also Lysol leaves all the dead germs behind. Yucky.
Lori says
Cleaners with chemicals leave a residue behind that actually attracts bacteria from dirt particles in the air. Go green and use a good quality microfiber cloth such as Norwex brand or one of the others with just water. The cloth picks up the germs and bacteria from the surface instead of spreading it around.
Clair says
Door mats. We usually just shake them out. But germs and other nasties don’t get shaken off. I wash my inside mats and hang them, along with my bathmats, in the sun to dry. Outside mats can be dunked in hot soapy water, then rinsed, and hung on the line or something else to allow sunshine and air to dry them.
Makala says
The fridge, dresser handles, tables and chairs, light switches, car stealing wheel and knob that ours car in park and drive, emergency break. We use cars all time and how often do we sanitize..toilet Gand
Es should be obvious( I hope). I like to clean my windows and the tracks and spot they get opened. Sometimes they get mold or have a lot junk on them. Gross. These arethibfs I clean every so often
Shauna says
How about your keyboard and mouse? Especially if they are used by more than 1 person. Yuck.
Caress says
Keyboards! They can get really, really gross.
melea says
windowsills. I hardly ever remember to clean those and when I do I notice how disgusting they get
Cynthia Heimsoth says
Shower curtains can usually be washed in washer (rubber/plastic on cold wash only!) Hang rubber/plastic curtains in tub to dry. How to clean glass shower doors though?
Computer keyboards/mice — NONO NO don’t use water near these things! Use a sanitizing wipe or isopropyl alcohol just like your remotes and cell phones.
Deb says
Clean glass shower doors by rubbuing lemon juice on them let it sit a minute or two then put a paste of white vinegar and baking soda a pad (something to rub it good with) and rub them well! Then rinse… I just bought a home they we nastY but now they look brand new!!
howtonestforless says
Wow Deb, GREAT TIP! Never heard of that before but I’ll have to try it!
Liz says
Great list, your house & car keys & remotes.
FebruaryFilly says
I run my keyboards through the dishwasher – no soap, regular cycle (not pots and pans) and they’ve been working great for years. I first saw the tutorial in 2008. It does take a long time to dry (I leave mine for a whole week), but I have 2 keyboards so I use the one while the other is drying, then rotate. Both keyboards have worked perfectly.
I implemented Wipe Down Wednesdays. I go through the house with a warm water cleaning cloth and clorox wipes and hit all the doorknobs (both sides), cupboard doors and drawer corners where they are grabbed to open them (inside and out), appliance handles (stove, microwave, dishwasher, fridge/freezer, washer/dryer), button panels, fingerprints on walls and door frames, the stair banister, the spot on the door frames the height of the animals that they rub against, phones, remotes, alarm clock buttons, light/fan switches, lamp on/off knobs, sink/tub faucet handles and the car (seatbelt-the clasp and button, car seat straps and clasps, steering wheel, gear shift, e brake, handles in and out).
howtonestforless says
Great ideas!
Bre says
I want to live at your house. Sounds so clean!
Susan Olsen (@3rdGradeRays) says
Wipe-down Wednesday! What a great idea and an alliteration to help remember it! Thanks!
pat murphy says
I’m worn out just reading your list!!!!!!!
kate says
That’s an all day cleaning !!!
Disneygirlz says
I do most of these, too, especially after illnesses!! I’m not so sure about the keyboards in the dishwasher, however, I never thought to wipe down the shifter, handles and seat belt connectors in the car!
Liz Hobbs says
I also clean my hair brushes along with the make up brushes.
Jennifer M says
Great ideas but I really love the painted washer & dryer! Did you do that? How?!
howtonestforless says
Haha, yes I did it! Here’s my tutorial:
Bre says
I clean the inside and outside of my toilet regularly, but recently I started thinking about how gross the flusher handle is, and have decided that needs, like, a daily sanitizing wipe-down. Gross!
Melissa says
You forgot light switch plates! Another frequently touched place!
kai says
I clean everything listed rather often. Cant believe people dont do these. Ewwwww! Id perfer to have a messy house with these things clean than leavr them dirty.
Sarah says
Your belt! I recently thought of how it’s the first thing you touch after using the bathroom and BEFORE washing your hands. Ewww!
howtonestforless says
Ewww, never thought of that!!!
Jewely Isham says
Um, how about the water faucet handles? Same deal – you touch them BEFORE you wash… and then touch them AFTER you’re hands are clean- but the handles aren’t!!! Nurses are taught to wash, let water run and use your paper towel to turn it off (then I use the paper towel to open public bathroom doors… guess what’s on them after someone else doesn’t wash their hands? ICK!)
howtonestforless says
Great suggestions Jewely! I think the same thing in public places. Yack!
Darlene Nemeth (@DarleneBNemeth) says
Great list. I am guilty for not cleaning my remote – ever.
howtonestforless says
Not until I’m forced to when I spill something on it 😉
Fiona burnett says
Touch screen computers/ipads/tv – hate the idea of sticky fingers over these! Screen wipes work well and also spectacle spray cleaner, makes a super job and smells nice too!
Tanesha (CraftyGardenMom) says
Your car steering wheel and radio console!
Alison says
Steering wheel is one I think of all the time!
Julie@teachinggoodeaters says
Light switches…
Judy says
I started thinking how germy the refrigerator door ice and water dispenser is, from the lips of glasses touching them while being refilled . I constantly spray with hydrogen peroxide and wipe with a paper towel. It sanitizers, while being non toxic. Sometimes I use vinegar to clean it, too.
Meg says
Fridge and freezer handles. Also, dog beds. I have several and always wash the removable liner. I have one that’s foam and I put hot water in the tub and squeeze it all over. It’s really gross. Then I let it dry (for a few days) and febreze that baby.
Mary Phil says
Cannot believe people have to be reminded to wash their sheets. Isn’t that a given? Wash weekly! Ewwweeee!
howtonestforless says
Tell me about it. YAK! That’s why it’s smart to have back up sheets. So much easier in case you forget to change the laundry 🙂
Ann says
Love the tips. When you clean the inside of your purse wipe off the outside too. Just think of all the times you set it on the floor, on a chair, in a shopping cart or took it into the public restroom with you. Purses must just have tons of germs on them.
Melissa says
Don’t use toxic chemicals to sanitize. Vinegar is a safe product to ingest and sanitizes too. Use with equal parts water. This mixture is great for all things mentioned above plus windows and floors.
Dani says
This is true! It leaves no residue and the smell dissipates very quickly.
Cindi says
The pump soap bottle in the bathroom, which I clean the ones at work daily with bleach. The steering wheel, buttons, and door handles in the car, and I usually grab a wipe on the way out of the grocery store to do this.
howtonestforless says
Ooh, steering wheel is good!
jessica bell says
light switches !!!
Dee Brandvig says
I liked you list…had about half on my list…. two things I would add. For economy, wipe down any exposed light bulb (any table lamp and/or track lights)…they face upward so their largest surface collects dust all the time…for more light for your money, clean with damp cloth on the ‘once a month’ list. The second is for the ‘once a month’ list in the kitchen, and ‘when the time changes’ for the rest of the house…unplug and clean your electrical wires/plugs. The ones in the kitchen collect cooking grease like mad so I do them when I wash my kitchen window (once a month) because I use the same solution, vinegar/dawn/alcohol/water….
Jeanne says
Clean the vacuum cleaner including the attachments.
Shaunna says
Hair brushes!
Raquel says
Great list! what about credit cards?? they use to get in where everybody put their own cards and we keep it in our wallet, I use the clean my wallet and purse, all kind of cards and ID and all which is inside with wipes or alcohol 🙂
ann metzger says
I like to wash all the garbage cans throughout the house about once a month with a little dish detergent and/or bleach, depending on how dirty they are.
timsarmywifey says
that’s why I hate wall to wall carpet … much rather have hardwood floors with scatter rugs
Victoria Hinde says
The stair banisters….and walls on opposite side, kids use both arm extended when they go down the stairs….
Nanno1707 says
your bed pillows will stay cleaner if you use the microbial zippered pillow covers that you can wash
Every week with the pillowcases & sheets.
Ashley @ Forgetful Momma says
I am very happy to say that I clean all of these plus more: light switches, fridge handles, etc.
Cheryl says
Cubboard doors an if you have one like me its the vent an light above stove dont want dust particles to get in food. Cleaning at least once a month underneath the fridge an stove they collect so much dirt.
Amber says
Good list, I need to remember doorknobs! One thing I’d add to the list (perhaps somebody already mentioned it) is your broom. I try to pull out hairs/clean with bleach water once a week and let it airdry. Ever ytime that water is disgusting, and only after a week of use!
Ruth says
BleachThemCutting Boards! TheY Are Covered In Bacteria! BLeach Them OnceAWeek!
Debbie Howard says
Refrigerator and stove handles, can opener, and faucet handles
Susan Orwin says
How can I clean grout? we purchased an older home and the tile is in good shape but the grout is dirty. I don’t like to use chemicals, fumes make me sick. I have tried soap and water, with a wire brush. it helped. Need to add some vinegar I guess.
howtonestforless says
My mom uses her steam machine on top of vinegar water. Also Oxy Clean works great!
Cheryl says
Cubboard doors an if you have one like me its the vent an light above stove dont want dust particles to get in food. Cleaning at least once a month underneath the fridge an stove they collect so much dirt.
Fidget says
Car/house keys and the key fobs are touched constantly – each time you enter/leave the house, start your car, lock your car, open the trunk, etc. When you get gas, you’re touching the pump handle and keypad that hundreds of other people have touched, then you get back in your car and start it with your keys. (And maybe dig something out of your purse, handle your cell phone, eat a snack, sip your coffee… Then you go to work, toss your keys in your purse, and spread those germs all over your desk – it goes on and on.) Ew.
In addition to the keys – credit card/wallet/purse, steering wheel, gear stick (mentioned previously by another commenter) window buttons, door handles inside and out, seat-belt, GPS, knobs/buttons on the dash… all the things you touch over and over again without even thinking about it.]
I always keep hand sanitizer and bleach wipes in the car. After using the sanitizer on my hands, I’ll wipe the steering wheel as well while my hands are still wet. I’ll grab a bleach wipe and do a fast wipe-down during a long light or while waiting at a drive-thru, etc. And of course a more thorough cleaning when I can.
Thank you for all the other tips! It’s always good to get a reminder!
howtonestforless says
Awesome tips! Didn’t even think about the car keys, YUCK!
Clare Clark says
Love this list – thank you! As a mom of a 4yr old little boy, I got this tip from our sitter and wanted to share: wrap your remotes in plastic wrap or place a clear baggie over them! Especially if someone has a cold/flu (aka boys/men in the house as they hog the remote all the time!). This will also keep them looking newer longer and is cheap to do & replace as often as needed.
Darby Connors says
For those who have lots of Iron in their water and get those awful orange stains on their shower walls and toilets, I HIGHLY recommend Bar Keepers Friend, that stuff is miracle cleaner. Also, don’t just clean the toilet bowl, clean the TANK! The deposits in the water build up in there and every time you flush is running lots of old deposits down through your toilet (which is how you end up with those orange/red streaks going down the toilet bowl!
Kathy says
This is a great post! Love your blog too!! I’m heading over to bloglovin to become your new follower! Come visit me over at We have something in common with our “nesting” names!! Lol
howtonestforless says
Thank you so much Kathy! LOVE the name 😉
katrina says
Don’t forget your blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron, etc.
Alysha Baiori says
Shoes. No one mentioned shoes. We wear them everywhere, usually put them on hastily and then take them off at the door and walk around the home touching stuff. I keep disinfectant wipes by the door and hand sanitizer.
Amanda says
I love your site! A quick tip for makeup and brushes though. I have some great friends who work at a high end makeup counter. They use an alcohol spray on all of the products after demonstrations. I have found that using a quick spritz after completing my makeup keeps everything nice and clean. I then deep clean my makeup brushes every weekend. Don’t forget to spritz your eye makeup (also great for fixing a broken eye/cheek/bronzer/compact powder).
howtonestforless says
Thanks for the tips Amanda!
howtonestforless says
Thank you! Great advice!
Melanie Kelly says
your tooth brush. soak the bristles in a little cup of hydrogen peroxide every month or so. vinegar would probably work just fine, too. you would think the toothpaste would be kind of a self-cleaning kinda thing, right? it aint.
howtonestforless says
Great tip Melanie!
Lori says
You can put your toothbrush in the dishwasher along with toothbrush holder and bathroom cup if you use one there.
alexis says
you should add computers because every day you either use one at work or at home
Amanda says
Fan blades. Whether ceiling fan or isolating (sp.) fan. 🙁 yuck!!! I was a cleaning lady for a little while and was surprised at how many people appeared to never clean their fan blades. SERIOUSLY! Also, your air filter. If you’re having a/c problems check your filter before calling to have it repaired. My husband is HVAC certified and this is #1 reason why peoples a/c don’t work or struggle cooling.
Amanda says
On fridays my kids help me with cleaning. I give them baby wipes and tell them to wipe down everything hands touch. They are all under 8 years old so they enjoy helping, keeps them busy and there are no chemicals to hurt them.
howtonestforless says
Awesome idea Amanda!
Jeannine says
Keypad on the microwave – yuck!
Missy Konopka says
FYI: I’m one of the weirdos who loves to clean. (Could be the 1/2 Polish girl in me:) These are all awesome & tips & I clean all of the above quite regularly (plus some!) For me cleaning is a stress reliever. (I have a tween girl & a teen boy–Enough said?;) So okay, don’t forget your vents! The wall vents & floor vents (Swiffer dusters are great for wall & vacuum & Clorox wipes for floor). How about your window blinds? I use Clorox wipes on mine once a week & it collects the dust without making it fly around the room. I clean each slat seperatly. Also, tops of door frames- those suckers get dusty too! (Could be the field behind my house causing me to have more dust than others)…hope this helps someone!
howtonestforless says
Great tips Missy!
Joanne says
Great list! But I must know what do u have on your washer and dryer. Is that a vinyl or paint?
howtonestforless says
Paint! A stencil and paint goes a long way!!
Patricia says
I love your Ideas. Some I knew, some I am just learning . TFS
howtonestforless says
Thank you!
Libby says
Lampshades! I always forget to clean them, and have yet to find a good way to!
As a former makeup artist and a current theatre teacher, always wash your makeup brushes in a combo of white vinegar and dawn dish soap or shampoo! I use dawn for extra anti-bacterial help. Make sure to dry brushes laying flat or hanging down because if the are standing bristles up (like in a cup) the water drips down and collects in the Handle, causing mold and decay.
howtonestforless says
Great tip Libby!
Sue says
For lampshades: I just recently tried Martha Stewart’s tip- an adhesive lint roller. Made the job so quick and easy
howtonestforless says
Thanks for the tip Sue!
ellen says
how about can openers.
howtonestforless says
That’s a good one! Makes me think about my blender too. I always wash the actual blender but what about the base? That can get pretty gross!
Jodi says
Love this list and yes, I should clean all of these things more often. It probably wont happen!
Omar D says
Your Kitchen Sink … clean with a toothbrush under the lip and the countertop for those sinks installed under the countertop, you might have to replace the silicone or caulking if its been more that two years.
Cynthia says
You mentioned cleaning the inside of the purse/pocketbook, I always wipe the outside especially the handles and the bottom. How many times do we put our purses on the floor in public? Hang it up in the public bathrooms against the nasty door?
Jenn Williams says
Don’t forget under the fridge and stove! I pull both of mine out once each week (we have 5 kids, 4 dogs, a cat, and are the “hang out house” on the block). It’s gross what ends up under there and on the walls in just 1 weeks time….
Sher says
Has anyone mentioned giving your hand railing a good scrub top and underside. At least once a week, it is where many of your contagious germs live. Don’t forget the underside of your sink taps and spout. Lamp switches also.
Happy cleaning everyone!
Melissa says
How about clothes hangers, detachable toilet paper holders, laundry baskets garage door openers in the garage, car or keypad kind, suitcases, backpacks, headphones, computer bag, lunch box (mostly kids), chargers, game consoles, game cases and controllers and the mailbox this one more in the winter the sun will kill most germs in the summer if in direct sunlight. I know some of these seem extreme.
Melissa says
Sorry forgot alarm clocks and door bell or knockers
Christine says
One thing I always forget is ceiling fan blades. I usually only get around to dusting them twice a year with an old sock and some pledge.
Lynne says
I just read [and “copied and pasted”] the whole list. It is great! One thing I didn’t see was the shower head. Put white vinegar in a plastic bag and secure it around the pipe, making sure the entire head is submerged. Leave on overnight. This will clear out the little holes in the shower head.
Christine says
Love this list!
How do you suggest cleaning pillows? When I throw them in the washer then dryer, I end up with lumpy messes that I have to replace. I invested in zipper covers that block allergans, dust mites, bed bugs,…I clean them periodically instead of the pillows. I put the same zipper covers on my mattresses and box springs so I don’t have to vacuum them!
Another thing to add to the list is HAND RAILS. I wipe mine down once a week with disinfecting wipes and it’s disgusting how much dirt accumulates, but not surprising considering that everyone touches them multiple times every day.
Karrie says
Light Switches! I clean these along with my doorknobs once a month!
Candice Needham says
Love this, very motivating! I’d add ceiling fans to the list as they constantly gather dust on them! I use baby wipes to stop the dust getting everywhere when wiping them over. 🙂
Katylin says
Feather comforter.
I understand this concept but I don’t want to breathe in the dry cleaning chemicals.
Does dry cleaning really clean bedding?
My huge king feather comforter and I have been wondering this very point.
Baking soda and summer sunshine has been been my go too. Then hitting it out like an old rug?
ann says
Don’t forget inside your cars….handles, steering wheel etc…..
pat murphy says
My son has sleep apnea and therefore uses a c pap machine nightly. He came down with strep throat last winter. After a few weeks he returned to using the c pap machine. Although he cleaned the machine in the usual way he obviously didn’t hit it with disinfectant and the germs stayed on the machine somewhat. He ended up getting strep throat again because of this.
So, clean medical equipment with disinfectents often. This would also apply to oxygen machines, defribulators, etc.
Barbara Deal says
Use vinegar instead of bleach…bleach leaves a chemical residue behind.
Monica says
Please advise: how can I clean the light switches with wet wipes without risking electricution?
Margery Locking says
Gloves because we put our dirty hands in them and touch dirty surfaces. Scarves because we cover our mouths with them.
rosemarie johnson says
i really love your to do list i think vinegar serves alot of purpose to so many things thank you.
Debra says
When you clean your sink you need to use a scrub brush to get the under side of the flaps that cover the garbage disposal side!! Keep scrubbing up & down & all around. Get it good. It’s gross in there!! If you haven’t done this, DO NOT BE GROSSED out or surprised if your brush comes out BLACK!! All the food & garbage going down & getting splashed around hangs around. I was glad to see someone remembered KEYS!! They are DIRTY!! Clean your shoes & shoe laces too. And don’t forget gloves, scarves & hats for every season for everyone in the house.
Debra says
YOUR LAUNDRY BASKETS!!! Do you put clean laundry in a basket that dirty laundry came out of? YUCK!!!
Jennifer says
At least once or twice a year, the washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, microwave etc., need to be cleaned UNDER. You wouldn’t believe what you might you might find under there! Not to mention on top of the kitchen cabinets, the cabinet exterior in the kitchen and bathroom and on top of the refrigerator. And curtains! Wash them according to the care instructions. I wash mine and hang them back up and they dry nicely with no wrinkles.
Liz says
1) Doorknobs and light switched are two more things to keep super clean!!
2) if you sprinkle salt or baking soda on your carpet about ten minutes before vacuuming, it’ll help clean more thoroughly; both are mild abrasives that gently “scrub” the carpet, and you don’t have to take the time to shampoo!!
Candace says
i don’t worry about keyboards, door knobs, stuff like that. I believe in letting my immune system work I am rarely sick. Everyone else in the office was sick but not me.
Eileen Salyards says
I agree. This cleaning is bizarre. I am 74, healthy and seldom catch anything. Haven’t had a flu for many years. No colds, people around me coughing and sneezing don’t affect me. My home is reasonably clean, but not disinfected. I wipe down light switches, doors and drawers where people grab and touch, but for the sake of Dirt, not GERMS.Are you all germophobes? How do you expect to build up defenses in your children? We have kept chickens, goats, a cow, rabbits, dogs and cats, rats, turtles and snakes. Oh, and fish and birds, too. Relax, my good Sisters. Life will go on without all this anxiety. And you will be healthier and happier.
Sharon says
use caution using baby wipes on leather. I ruined a beautiful leather sectional cleaning it with baby wipes.
Jo D says
If you use a work ID, as most healthcare/hospital workers do your environment is filled with serious germs. Wipe down that thing daily!!!
Susie Beth says
Loved the list and all the comments! Some things I hadn’t thought of! Thank you! It was mentioned to clean your purse inside and out but it wasn’t mentioned to NOT rest your purse on you eating table at home or when eating out especially if you haven’t had time to really clean the bottom of your purse. I have a Baggalini purse which can be put into the washing machine when needed. 🙂
Donna Hurlburt says
When someone is getting a cold, we put the disinfected TV remote in clear plastic treat bags. We also pack a few plastic bags for remotes when we travel. We use alcohol hand wipes to disinfect surfaces like door knobs. If we forget the bags, we use the plastic bags hotels use to wrap drinking glasses. No one likes to get sick when they travel.
Aileen says
always remember to sanitize your car keys and steering wheel, nobody seems to think of them!
Shelbi says
You should clear out and clean your refrigerator from time to time. Clean the handles and edges where your hands rest more often. Wipe down the areas where the door seals on the door and fridge when you wash the dishes. Clear the crumbs from bend of the plastic seal on the door when you wash the dishes.
And clean the microwave when you wash the dishes.
Robyn says
Light switches are always forgotten, yet I think of all the germy hands touching them!
Karen says
Steering wheel of your car
Carrie Rainey says
Maybe add to the door knows light switches and sink handles. I know it sounds silly but sink handles should be cleaned constantly and when you are doing the door knows run a wipe across the light switches.
Susie says
As you go from room to room cleaning door knobs. Be sure to wipe all the light switches.
Shirley says
First aid box. Those germ covered fingers reaching for cold remedy/diarrhoea remedy/cough syrup. Also when people have colds give them their own box tissues and discard the box when they’re well. Use plastic wastepaper bins for used tissues, ones that have no holes and disinfect with hot water and soap after every cold. Come to think of it buy easily washable bins and wash regularly.
Dana says
Light switches!!!
Betty Stark says
I use Magic Eraser to clean the grout. The dirt and grime come right up.
Marie Lewis says
Did not see furnace filters (or maybe I missed it). Depending on your system either replace regularly or vacuum…cuts down on dust & germs (again depending on your filter type).
Michelle says
If you have baseboard heaters in your house! I’ve been living in my house for about 10 yrs & took apart the heaters in a spare room to re-paint them & inside was horrific!! My house was built in the 70’s & I honestly don’t know when they were last cleaned! To think I was breathing in all that dust & disgust-i-ness makes me want to clean inside all the heaters! It takes time tho…
Christine S says
●Car door handles and window/lock, etc buttons
●Spray trash cans w Lysol every time you take trash bag out of it. Do outside and inside
●Garage door opener in your car
●Kitchen chair backs
●Small kitchen appliance buttons/switches – coffee brewer, can opener, food chopper, fridge controls, microwave, oven/stove top, etc.
●Door frames and locks.
●Water/ice dispenser on fridge. Take a q-tip and check water line – gross!!! Avoid putting ice in drinks AFTER glass is filled. Do this before or use clean cup and put into filled cup.
●Rim of fridge and freezer doors. Get into that little fold. Wipe down with vinegar.
●Blinds – The stick you twirl and the cords.
Dee says
Although I have the nickname ‘Monica’ from friends, I have certainly got some goods tips from this article. Thank you.
Tara says
I can list a million BUT according to the NSF the germiest places are: your car & child’s carseat especially if you eat/drink or they do In the car, in the home #1 is your sponge. Microwaving or putting it in the dishwasher as of recent studies in 2016/2017 show that those things actually cause a sponge to end up being worse than not cleaning it at all. Your best bet is the EPA’s recommended sensitization method which is to soak it in a bleach solution. The bleaching ratio is 3/4 cup (non concentrated) or 1/2 if concentrated bleach in 1 gallon of water for 5 minutes. If you don’t like bleach or even if you don’t mind it they still say toss it weekly. I went with one from E-Cloth that you can machine wash and 1 side is proven & registered to to remove 99.9% of bacteria (on Amazon for less than a pack of sponges $5 ish.) Then the cutting board, sink, produce & meat drawers, basically the kitchen. LOL! Then the bathroom is 2nd. You can look up “NSF germ study.” It is fascinating!!
Brian Hastings says
Great post! Thanks for sharing the knowledge and keep up the good work.
sue heumann says
Something else to clean often are wood blinds….. just a light dusting every other week saves you scrubbing caked on dust and dirt later.
Hayley Banks says
Wouldn’t the washer and dryer smell of vinegar with that amount of concentrated liquid? Or does the scent go away when it dries off? Totally agree with cleaning the work desks daily, you just don’t know what sort of cretin visits it, better be safe than sorry.
carmen says
You would think it would, but honestly it doesn’t at all! Not for us at least 🙂