I will show you how a painted interior front door can add a lot of color to your room.
When you move into a new construction home it’s pretty bland. White walls everywhere, bare windows, and white doors. Well, the last one maybe doesn’t bother everyone, but I personally love to paint my interior doors, especially the inside of my front door. I feel like it’s just another place to add a splash of color.
Choosing The Right Paint Color
I actually found this new foyer rug a couple weeks ago and knew I wanted to pull a color out of it to paint the inside of my basic front door. I headed out to The Paint Studio at my local Ace Hardware that has the advanced color matching technology. Basically they can scan any flat surface with this cool little machine. Think about it… a rug, painting, curtains, bedspread… the options are endless.
You can have them color match to any paint brand as well, even the new Amy Howard chalk based paints, but I went for the Clark+Kensington paint and primer in one. I chose flat enamel, something that should be able to hold up against the daily use of our front door.
Two quick coats of paint later our foyer was looking like this…
This color is absolutely stunning.
It changes with the sunlight throughout the day, pulling both blues and grays.
Well one lucky winner is going to receive a $100 gift card
to try out this for yourself at your local Ace Hardware!
Just leave a comment below telling me what you would color match
and what you would paint?
Winner will be chosen one week from today.
Good luck!
If you want to see more projects from the Ace Hardware team,
check them out HERE!
I am a member of the Ace Bloggers Panel and Ace Hardware has provided me with materials for this project. I was also compensated for my time and this blog post. All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Ace Hardware.
Since seeing your front door, I would love to do that also. I love grey. It’s one of my favorite interior colors. I have used it in several of my rooms in my new house as well.
Sharon says
I just love this concept and the color you ended up choosing. It’s gorgeous! I would color match to a large room rug that’s my favorite, with emerald greens and deep rust. I would paint the trim in my sitting room.
Sonia Huff says
I LOVE that idea about painting the interior doors!! Especially the front door. Would LOVE to do that to my front door as well! Where did you get that beautiful rug by the way?
Debbie Tarrant says
I love this color gray! I have some shutters to do on my house in the springtime. Now my house in a light shade of gray. I need to paint the front door also. This entire color would be amazing and add to my dull looking house. Thanks for the inspiration. I am going to try the color matching too. It’s hard to just tell someone that “I want the most beuautiful color gray that you have!
Pamela Powell says
I would paint a dresser that my great uncle built. Not sure yet what I would match it to, maybe a throw I have in my bedroom.
Kathy tolleson says
I would love to paint our interior doors too , love the color you had matched Where did you find this rug ?
Bryn says
I would color match a color in my daughters bedspread and then paint a side table for her room.
Jen Y says
I’m planning to paint/redo my mud/laundry room next summer but I haven’t decided what color yet.
Carol says
Love painting interior doors! We will be doing a MAJOR home remodel starting in January. Would love to color match the accent chair in our living room and do our front door. Would be awesome!
Cecilia says
Love the new color of the front door! So much better than the white.
Jenny says
That turned out great! I don’t know what I’d color match, but it looks like fun!
Alison R says
Looks really good! I enjoy your website and all of your projects!
Carol N. says
Well Santa, We painted our house a beautiful red [Cherry Chocolate to be exact] with white trim using Ace’s Clark Kensington all in one. I would love nothing more than to change my ‘blah’ white front door to a ‘WOW’ black Grand Entrance to complete my dream porch scape.
Saba says
I love the blue grey color and it is just the color I would want in my house.
Pamela Hughes says
I would love to paint my interior doors (they are plain white too)
I did the outside a really cool summer green – it makes the plain white house pop
Mami2jcn says
I would paint an accent wall in my family room and color match it to our burgundy curtains.
Ashley says
I would paint my kitchen and color match it to the blue curtains
Cassie says
i’m totally inspired to paint the interior of our front door now! I’d love to match the paint to a midnight blue, velvet throw pillow we have
Brittany L says
I would love to repaint my sons room. I was way to bold the first time around. ????
Shelley T. says
I have a lampshade that I really love so I would pull from that
carol clark says
my steps are gray i painted which are concrete that looks really good so id go with grey
David says
If they can match any color, I would probably use it to primarily do some touch-ups around the exterior of my home. Why paint the whole thing if only a few spots need it.
Janice R. says
I would color match an oriental rug in the family room and paint an accent wall in that room with the color.
Brooke says
I would color match to our winter duvet cover – it’s a perfect cranberry color to use as a Christmas accent color on my front door hanger and ornaments for the tree!
Holly says
I’d love to paint a wall in my living the same pretty blue that’s in my favorite thrift store score painting 🙂
Linda says
I would color match a watercolor painting and paint an older lamp.
Danielle says
Your door looks great! We’re getting ready to move in a few weeks so we have a LOT of painting to do. I would love to color match the new Frozen bed set we’ll be getting my 5 year-old for her new room!
Tina W says
I would color match my favorite Le Creuset pot.
Christine Lucas says
Wow!!! That is such a great idea and I had NO idea that the possibility even existed?!!! I bought my house nearly 8 years ago and have struggled with trying to find the right color. I have painted the inside of my front door 4 times and finally gave up and went back to the eggshell color that came with the house. 🙁 I have tried so hard to match the right color that is within a photograph I took while celebrating our wedding anniversary in Vermont during the Fall. It is a beautiful picture that I had blown up on a canvas and hangs by the front door. I am so thrilled that this is possible!!!! Should I take the picture or the canvas to the store with me? How much does it cost to use the machine? Thank you so much!!!!!!!
howtonestforless says
It’s FREE to use the machine!! You can take anything that lays somewhat flat, so a canvas or photo would work perfectly!
Denise says
Does anyone know what that front door color was
howtonestforless says
Denise, it was color matched to our rug so it didn’t have a specific color name. Sorry!