Today is officially THREE WEEKS until we close on the new home, so I thought today I would share one of my favorite things in the new home… and it’s not even for me.
My 5 year old daughter is very into music. This Christmas she wants a guitar so she can become the next Taylor Swift. Seriously, for the past 2 years her nickname on the street has been Ellie Taylor Swift… or ETS for short.
Well in the new house she wants a music themed room in gold and blue.
Yes, she’s very specific.
So in her new bedroom I had the builder’s create a little stage in one corner. Nothing huge. Just something out of scrap wood.
I figure this will last her for a couple years as a little performer’s stage. Then when she’s grown out of this phase I can just put a little vanity or something on it so it’s not completely useless.
But for now this kid thinks that her stage is the coolest thing in the entire world… and I’m the coolest mom in the entire world for thinking of this.
So now I’ve been scouring the web trying to find some inspirational photos for how to complete this project. Here are some of my favorites…
as seen on Life on Virginia Street

Luana says
That stage is a great idea!!! I definitely will make one for my son; he is just 5 years old and is always pretending to be a dragon or a superhero, but this week he is a musician, always singing, so cute. I even think that this little stage can help them to overcome any public speaking fear and you never know how many opportunities that will open. Good luck with you gorgeous Diva. Blessings.
howtonestforless says
Thank you so much Luana! Love having free spirited kids with wild imaginations. Good luck with the stage for your little musician man!
Stacey says
She is going to love that! I betcha she’ll enjoy it much more than 2 years.
howtonestforless says
She’s very excited! and I’m thinking more than 2 years too. Sheesh, I might even get up there and belt out a tune or two! 😉
Chelsea @ two twenty one says
Get ready for some Chelsea and Ellie concerts whenever I visit. Homegirl better not try to upstage me though.
howtonestforless says
We got a 2 mic karaoke machine just for this epic event.
Jenny says
What girl wouldn’t love this?! How exciting. I love the curtain ideas for the stage.
howtonestforless says
Thanks Jenny! Now I just have to figure out how to do it… 🙂
maria says
That’s so sweet about her dressing room. I love when kids are extroverted and shamelessly emulate their idols. Such innocence. 🙂
howtonestforless says
I agree! 🙂
Annie says
Erin, Erin, Erin…I just love this!! And Yes, you are a very cool MOM!! I agree with your little star…a “Dressing Room” sign is a definite must. So Cool!!
howtonestforless says
Haha, thanks Annie! I’m trying to butter her up now so she’s nice to me in her teenage years 🙂
nina the mom says
How darling! I love her color scheme! The color blue would look cute with stripes. And stripes, especially vertical ones, makes me think of Judy Garland in Meet Me in St. Louis. I’m thinking gold and blue with bold, vintage accents. You could incorporate so many things- lace umbrellas, ruffled linens, antique world’s fair kind of stuff, movie star dressing room lights, a chandelier. Oh the possibilities are endless. All of that being said, the Life on Virginia Street is my favorite inspiration photo. I’m sure you’ll do a fantastic job, as usual!
<3 <3 <3
ps. Meet Me in St. Louis is not the *only* thing I ever think of. But, I bought it for my sister for Christmas and now it's on my mind. 😉
howtonestforless says
Ohmygosh! I didn’t even think of that!!! Seriously one of my FAVORITE movies of all time. Um… can I say I LOVE YOU!!!! Eeek, seriously I love you. Best idea ever!
nina the mom says
It’s one of my favorites, too! {that and the 1949 version of Little Women} I kinda wish I had a little girl to have a Meet Me in St. Louis bedroom. Otherwise, I’m totally content with my two boys!
<3 <3 <3